AMS Band Night w/Trenton High School Marching Band
2024 Arthurs Middle School Band Night
Friday, September 27, 2024
- 3:30 pm Arthurs MS + Marching Band Combined Rehearsal (Parents drop off at THS)
- 4:30 pm Dinner provided by Band Boosters/ TMB Changes into Uniform
- 5:30 pm Warm Up
- 6:00 pm Homecoming Parade
- 6:40 pm Travel to Stadium
- 6:50 pm Pre Game Routine (Fight Song/National Anthem/Jaws)
- 7:00 pm Kickoff!
- 8:15 pm (est.) Homecoming Halftime Activites (AMS Students Watch)
- 8:30 pm (est.) AMS Students Dismissed from MS Band Night (After Halftime)
*With Homecoming Activities taking place during halftime, the Trenton HS Band will perform their halftime show "A Stroke Of Genius" at the conclusion of the football game. Arthurs students will be dismissed after halftime but are welcome to stay to the game’s end to see the THS Marching Band Show.
Tickets for THS Football game may be purchased online at: Trenton Trojans vs Roosevelt Bears: Football - Boys Varsity
AMS students should wear jeans and AMS gear (or Arthurs Music Gear!) and wear athletic shoes. Please dress appropriately for the weather as it can get chilly in the evening during a football game.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Wolf at or Mr. Kopera at
For more information on the Trenton High School Band Program, please visit